平成19年度第1回 土木学会・土木計画学研究委員会・国際セミナー   1st International Seminar in 2007,   Infrastructure Planninng Commiittee, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (共催:EASTS-Japan) 演題:「Overcoming Mobility Impairments」 (「高齢化に伴うモビリティの水準低下の克服について」) 講師:Dr. Jan-Dirk Schmoecker    (東京工業大学大学院 理工学研究科 土木工学専攻 客員准教授)    ※Schmoecker先生については,下記HPをご参照下さい.       http://www.plan.cv.titech.ac.jp/schmoecker/ 日時:2007年10月29日(月) 17:30〜 会場:東京工業大学緑ヶ丘1号館・1階講義室(M112)     ※会場へは,下記HPをご参照下さい.       http://www.plan.cv.titech.ac.jp/fujiilab/html/MAP.html 講演概要: Transportation policy increasingly has to focus on supporting schemes that provide for an ageing population. This seminar will look at travel behaviour of those with mobility impairments; in particular trip frequency and mode choice decisions. Reasons and consequences of reduced travel opportunities will be pointed out. In the second part of the seminar approaches used in London, U.K. to improve mobility of those with impairments will be presented. Dial-a-Ride and “Scootability” are two successful schemes aiming to do so. The seminar will conclude with some thoughts on future policies needed and their sustainability given current mobility trends and limited public funding. お問い合わせ先:東京工業大学 藤井聡・羽鳥剛史  Tel/Fax:03-5734-2590 E-mail: fujii@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp,